You are here: CMA > Create a CMA Package > CMA Package Step 2: Select Fields

CMA Package Step 2: Select Fields

Step 2 of the CMA Package lets you specify which fields to include in the Subject Property Comparison report and in what order. You can also add custom fields, if desired.

Fields that will be included for comparison display in the Selected Fields list on the right. These fields display in the order that they will appear on the report. Fields that are available for you to add to your report display on the left.

NOTE: If you want to use the fields that are selected by default, simply click the Next Step link or the 3: Enter Subject Property tab to continue to the next step.

To add fields

  1. Use your mouse to highlight available fields in the list on the left side of the page. Hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one field at a time.
  2. Click the Add button. The fields will be added to the bottom of the Selected Fields list unless you highlight a field in the Selected Fields list before clicking the Add button. This tells the system where you want the new fields added, and they will display below the field you highlighted.
  3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to reorder fields if desired.
  4. If you have no further changes, click the Next Step link or the 3: Enter Subject Property tab to proceed to the next step.

To remove fields

  1. Use your mouse to highlight fields you want to remove. Hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one field at a time.
  2. Click the Remove button.
  3. If you have no further changes, click the Next Step link or the 3: Enter Subject Property tab to proceed to the next step.

To add a custom field

  1. Click the Add Custom button.
  2. Type a label for your custom field, then click OK.
  3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to reorder fields if desired.
  4. If you have no further changes, click the Next Step link or the 3: Enter Subject Property tab to proceed to the next step.

To reorder fields

  1. Use your mouse to highlight a field you want to move.
  2. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move the field up or down in the list.
  3. If you have no further changes, click the Next Step link or the 3: Enter Subject Property tab to proceed to the next step.

Next: CMA Package Step 3: Enter Subject Property

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